Red Pill for Zionism

Gird yourself for the truth that cuts through deception based on the twisting of the Scriptures about Israel and the people of God.:






The Present State of Israel Is Not the Israel of God



The Jews and the Land



The Big Picture: Cutting Through Zionist Propaganda



'Holocaust' claimed and committed



Christian Zionism - The Tragedy and the Turning



Powers and Principalities - Wickedness Afoot



Israel and Zionism - False Narrative Vs. Reality



Israel is an Illegal State



Who are the Heirs of the Abrahamic Covenant?



Ridiculous Reasoning



The Antisemitism Hoax



The Ten Dumbest Things We're Being Asked To Believe About Israel's War On Gaza



Zionism: Unmasked in 10 Minutes (video)






Evangelical Zionists Turn Their Backs on Palestinian Christians



The Spectacular Failure of the Zionist Project



Defeating Zionism, a global responsibility



Revelations about Zionism and Israel



What the Media Won't Tell You About Israel



A History of War Crimes



Brainwashed Depravity



The Zionist-Created Scofield 'Bible'



An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians



It’s Not The ‘Israel-Hamas War’, It’s The Israel-Gaza Massacre



Israel's Psych-War Is Relentless, Vicious and Deliberate



Zionism Unmasked: The Dark Face Of Jewish Nationalism



Unsettled History: The Useful Abuse of the “Holocaust” Hoax



The Israeli-Hamas Conflict Is A Continuation of the 9/11 Plot



Unsettled History / Plot Continuum: Explainer



The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme



The Zionist Movement



Everything About Rothschild Zionism



Israel: Profile of a Terror State



The Bible and the Land



Seventy Weeks Rightly Divided



Who Wants What "From the River to the Sea"



Sands of Galilee



Israeli Crimes: detailed listing of the sordid history of Zionist atrocities



Israel, the Planned Home of the New World Order



Short skit: Zionism Depicted




[click each image for more]


Also see: Red Pill Videos for the Scourge of Zionism
