Defined and Described
Gorphilus DeJesus | Apr 23 2024
* Israelolatry
noun. The veneration of the proclaimed nation-state of Zionist Israel notwithstanding its foreign occupation of stolen land in Palestine where it displaces, imprisons, tortures and mass murders the indigenous population, ridiculously rationalized as "self defense", projecting its terrorism on the resistance to brutal apartheid occupation and ethnic cleansing, i.e. genocide.
The doctrine of Israelolatry holds that the "Jews" of modern day Israel (no relation to the Old Testament tribe of Judah or Judeans of the New Testament) are the heirs of the Abrahamic covenant even as they reject the quintessential seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ, who is blessed forever, amen.
Israelolaters necessarily disregard the 1st century coming of the Messiah to establish the new covenant in fulfillment of the types, promises and prophecies written beforehand for our instruction, particularly Daniel 9:24-27, which they twist to their own destruction.1
The creed of Israelolatry is “Blessed are those who bless Israel”, which is presented as Holy Scripture even while the phrase does not exist in the Biblical text. It is a fabrication — pure Scofieldian treachery, to wit:
The entire Christian Zionist Movement is based on the Footnotes from the Scofield ‘Bible’. This blasphemy was financed by the House of Rothschild with the sole purpose of promoting the Zionist Agenda.2
What the LORD actually said to Abram, long before Israel even existed, is
“I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Genesis 12:3)
Zionism was never concerned with Biblical truth, but rather with propagation of a false gospel to facilitate controlling the public narrative that is an increasingly egregious disgrace. The false prophets of so-called Christian Zionism are Israelolaters, and are going to have to answer to God one day.
Israelolatry presents its idol as the chosen people of God, worthy of special privilege and blessing, yet the fact of the matter is that the modern state of Israel is the creation of European colonialism and US imperialism. They have abetted and sustained a predatory settler-colonial regime and a society that has become adjusted to injustice.3
Dr. David Chilton, in his exhaustive commentary on the book of Revelation wrote,
"...the apostate Jews are revealed in their true identity the synagogue of Satan. Again, there is no such thing as 'orthodox' Judaism; there is no such thing as a genuine belief in the Old Testament that is consistent with a rejection of Jesus Christ as Lord and God. Those who do not believe in Christ do not believe in the Old Testament either. The god of Judaism is the devil.... when Christ-rejecting Jews claim to follow in the footsteps of Abraham, Jesus says, they lie."4
Modern Jews reject Jesus Christ, who came to fulfill the law and the prophets, yet they claim a divine right in this day and age to militarily conquer the middle east so as to establish a Jewish kingdom on earth, which will trigger the advent of their messiah. That ‘Zionist Christians’ think this has anything to do with the Christian faith which was once for all delivered to the saints boggles the mind.
The apostle John (contemporary of the incarnate Immanuel) wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. (1 John 4:1-3)
Connotational Conspiracy
A cardinal precept of Israelolatry is twisting the meaning of the word “antisemitism”, and weaponizing it into common parlance to attack anyone critical of the self proclaimed nation state of Israel, and using the term in all its forms as a pejorative worthy of scorn.
Etymologically, the root noun Semite connotes a member of any of the peoples descended from Shem, the eldest son of Noah. As an adjective, semitic relates to Semites or their languages, defining a group of languages far more accurately than any particular ethnicity/religion. In both usages it encompasses vastly more Arab than Jewish peoples – which renders the term “antisemitic” as commonly used by Israelolaters particularly absurd especially in the context of the Middle East.5
As most modern Jews are not Semites, but are descended from Eastern European tribes that converted to Judaism in the middle ages6, “antisemitism” used as a construct of Israelolatry is a gross and confusing misnomer that has become so widely and imprecisely used as to lose its denotative accuracy yet gain a highly emotive connotation.7 The imbalance between what it actually means and what people feel it means renders it highly effective as propaganda rather than to convey clear meaning. Such language is particularly insidious when passed into law.8
Anyone who is not an Israelolater is de facto antisemitic. Crafty to say the least.
The Truth
Jesus Christ is the promised Seed of Abraham in whom ALL (without distinction) the nations shall be blessed.
And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. (1 John 5:20-21)
1 See Seventy Weeks Rightly Divided
2 Robert Singer, The Diabolical Connection between the Scofield Bible, Oxford Publishing & The House of Rothschild, Mar. 2009
3 Dr. M. Reza Behnam, A Locus of Instability…, Feb. 2024
4 David Chilton, Days of Vengeance: An Exposition of the Book of Revelation, Dominion Press, 1987, page 127-128
6 James B. Jordan, The Future of Israel Re-examined, Biblical Horizons, No. 27 July 1991
8 Ibid
Also see this related article: The STRONG DELUSION of Christian Zionism