Super-Vaccination Agenda
Being Foisted On The USA 24/7

State of the Nation | *Originally published in February, 2015

U.S. Government and Big Pharma Corporations
Conducting ‘Nazi Medical Experiments’ Worldwide

Childhood Vaccination Regimens:
Barbaric, Insane and Fraudulent

Is the annual flu vaccine program another reckless form of eugenic engineering, a manufactured slow motion genocide, or both?

There should be absolutely no doubt about it: The outrageous and odious childhood vaccination regimes instituted across the 50 states and territories of the USA are the product of a multi-decade conspiracy on the part of the US Federal Government and its many health-related organs and corporate collaborators.  Just who are those many co-conspirators?

This conspiratorial group of institutions includes the Food & Drug Adminstration, U.S. Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, American Medical and Psychiatric Associations, American Hospital Association, the Pharmaceutical Industry, the Medical Profession, the Health Insurance Industry, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations. When operating in concert to administer the many vaccination programs throughout the nation, these institutions represent a monolithic bulwark known as the Global Vaccination Complex.

Other major participants include numerous NGOs and ‘health’ charities, universities and research institutions, private foundations and publicly-held corporations.  By way of two exceedingly glaring examples, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Doctors Without Borders are both huge sponsors of this ongoing plot to profoundly undermine the health of populations around the world.  Bill Gates himself has become one of the biggest purveyors of vaccinations the world has ever seen.  His foundation “is the largest private foundation in the world” and therefore capable of doing massive damage to whole nations which buy into their distorted understanding of how to maintain optimal health.

Each of the aforementioned entities has been brought into an immense worldwide conspiracy to super-vaccinate every child on the planet for health threats real and imagined, engineered and fabricated.  Of course, the 64-thousand-dollar question is “Why”?

That they (New World Order globalists) have forcefully, yet insidiously, imposed such a worldwide regime of medical terror and health destruction is without question.  Exactly who has perpetrated this crime against the children of the world has been partially established above.  “How” they did it will now be disclosed … … … before the “Why” is revealed.

Problem ~ Reaction ~ Solution

In every single case where a new, frightening, highly fatal infectious disease or epidemic has mysteriously appeared out of nowhere, the following MO has been followed with precision.

First, the original agent of infection can always be traced back to a U.S. or U.K. or Israeli biowarfare laboratory all of which have been established to create bioweapons of mass destruction.  Through extremely advanced forms of genetic modification, various types of pathogenic microbes are specifically designed to trigger a major disease outbreak.  Various pathogenic multicellular and micro-organisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses and parasites), fungi, mycoplasmas and the like, are bio-engineered in such a way so as to precipitate a specific medical crisis and/or public health disaster after their surreptitious release into the ambient environment of any targeted locale or community, city or nation.

Each ensuing medical emergency that is manufactured in this manner is carefully coordinated to elicit a desired response from the affected populace. Likewise, every burgeoning health catastrophe is meticulously orchestrated according to an explicit agenda. This first piece represents the “problem” in their heretofore infallible “Problem ~ Reaction ~ Solution” formula.

By way of illustration, the purpose behind each flu epidemic may be different depending on its location and marked population. Those influenzas which target the Asian Rim countries, for instance, are biological weapons genetically engineered to exploit weaknesses in the oriental bloodlines and Asian genotype. This type of biowarfare against foreign nations has always emerged at critical times in the relationship between the USA and China, as well as between the U.K. and China.

The various generations of Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) that ‘originated’ in China are a perfect example of this type of highly sophisticated bioweaponry at work. So are all the yearly flu bugs that have first ‘appeared’ somewhere in the Asian Rim, such as Hong Kong, over the past many decades. (It’s interesting that Hong Kong was ruled for over 150 years by the British up until 1997, and yet they (Great Britain) still exert much clandestine control and “soft power” influence over the entire territory.)

Likewise, the many fabricated flu outbreaks in the USA are always used to serve as a pretext for extremely aggressive nationwide vaccination campaigns. How many times have free vaccinations been made available practically everywhere for every age group and demographic? What else is given away free like that on an annual basis? Anything?

Even though the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the flu vaccines always admit that the exact strains currently infecting the people are not addressed by the most recent flu shot, an extraordinary number of people still avail themselves for their regular jab. How dumbed down must those people be to submit themselves and their children to a potentially harmful injection that does not even contain the proper flu vaccine?! Wow!

What the pro-vaccination crowd fails to realize is that the rights of those not to be vaccinated cannot be trumped by those who want to poison their children into Autism and Aspergers, ADD and ADHD. For every ailment and disease that Big Pharma conjures up in their laboratories, there has been a reflex throughout society to take the easy and convenient pharmaceutical approach. Recklessly submitting their babies and school-age children to such an obscene vaccination regime is the product of this unenlightened and disempowering annual vaccination ritual.

They really don’t care who wins the ever-intensifying medical debate.  The fear-based decision to super-vaccinate already prevails across the nation.  However, it remains to be seen whether the anti-vax conviction — that no one is going to introduce toxins/poisons into their child’s body under any circumstances — will succeed on both the legal and legislative fronts.  Regardless of which side triumphs, they (Global Vaccination Complex) are well aware that a sufficient number of children will be sickened, diseased and poisoned by so many known toxins that their revenue streams will continue to be guaranteed.  After all, the NWO globalists totally control each of the aforementioned entities which make up the Global Vaccination Complex.

Exactly what are the known toxins and poisons, harmful chemicals and contaminants found in most vaccines?

Who hasn’t heard about the preservative thimerosal that contains the poisonous heavy metal known as mercury. How about the known chemical toxin and carcinogen called formaldehyde?  Then there is the highly toxic squalene MF59 adjuvant which contributed to Gulf War Syndrome which is now being added to some civilian flu vaccines.  Very few are aware but wherever mercury is removed from vaccines, it is often replaced with aluminum, a well-documented neurotoxin that just may be more dangerous than mercury over the long term.

Thimerosal, or sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate, is a preservative used in low concentrations mainly in vaccines, cosmetics, ophthalmic and otolaryngolic medications, antitoxins, topical and intramuscular steroid preparations, and intradermal tests. Thimerosal has two distinctive components, an organic mercury compound and thiosalicylate, both of which are involved in thimerosal allergy. [1]

For a more comprehensive list of the problematic constituents commonly found in vaccines, please consult the following ingredient catalog. [2]. Bear in mind that this listing is by no means exhaustive since pharmaceutical companies and vaccine manufacturers are notorious for selectively leaving off ingredients at will.  At the end of the day, there is really no way of determining what else they may be putting into these detrimental concoctions. Yes, we’re talking about different types of microchips and nanobots.

Why are known carcinogens put into vaccines?

That most vaccines contain cancer-causing ingredients has been completely ignored by the Mainstream Media, as it has by the medical and scientific research establishment. There are proven carcinogens in a dangerously high percentage of vaccines that are injected into every infant and schoolchild, the elderly and infirmed, the sick and the dying.  Formaldehyde is perhaps the best known of these carcinogenic agents found in many vaccines and has been calculated as follows:

Vaccines that contain formaldehyde include nearly all pediatric and adult flu shots; all forms of pediatric and adolescent pertussis vaccines (DTaP and the teen version, Tdap); and injectable polio vaccines (IPV) vaccines. Vaccines given under special circumstances also contain formaldehyde: tetanus boosters (dT, DT and TT), Japanese encephalitis vaccine, rabies vaccines and anthrax vaccine (given as six doses).

Let’s add up the amount of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, is injected into children by the time they are five years of age. Assuming they get all doses of all recommended vaccines on time and according to the 2012 vaccination schedule:

Total: 1,795 mcg = 1.795 milligrams

(Source: Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center)

The many epidemics and chronic diseases of the Third Millennium are frequently related to the plethora of auto-immune disorders and syndromes.

Known as the New Age Maladies, the 3rd Millennium has seen a veritable explosion of auto-immune conditions, diseases and syndromes.

The medical establishment has continually and obstinately overlooked the involvement of vaccines with so many of these auto-immune disorders. As a matter of fact, most of the primary care gatekeepers across the whole spectrum of the healthcare delivery system appear to have quite intentionally dismissed the great likelihood of this direct correlation.  Surely this goes back to their Med School training which admonishes them never to offend the Pharmaceutical Industry.  As glorified pharmaceutical salespeople, many physicians have been hopelessly indoctrinated to believe that Big Pharma always gets it right, and never does wrong.

Many of the alphabet soup diseases, such as AIDS, HIV, CFS (a.k.a. CFIDS & ME), MCS, ALS, MS, MD and many others, fit the profile of vaccine-induced illness.  Likewise, the many New Age Maladies like Morgellons, Epstein-Barr virus and Mononucleosis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, Systemic Candidiasis, Celiac Sprue disease and Gluten sensitivity, Environmental Illness syndrome, Huntington’s disease, Meniere’s disease, Reye’s syndrome, Raynaud’s disease, and others also fit the same pattern.

The key point here is that the overly aggressive childhood vaccination schedules, coupled with highly toxic vaccines, have served to simply overwhelm the average child’s immune system.  Then, later on in life, when the confluence of circumstances is such that stress events begin to cascade, the individual’s immune response is not adequate to ward off the everyday illnesses transmitted throughout the environment, or to prevent chronic degenerative disease from advancing.

The common denominator for so many ailments and diseases — both chronic and acute — seems to always be past and current vaccinations.  These immunizations actually serve as the trigger of events which eventually spiral out of control before concretizing as a full-blown disease process or multi-infection syndrome.  This predicament has only been worsening year after year as more intrusive vaccination regimes are introduced throughout American society.

Their (NWO globalists) medical goal is to make standard vaccinations schedules mandatory for every American alive.  Whether you are young or old, healthy or sick, working or unemployed, the government wants everyone receiving their vaccines right on schedule.  This is a critical element of their overarching medical regime, and a particularly crucial component of Obamacare.  It is actually one of the primary reasons Obamacare was foisted on the nation in such a partisan, unilateral and dictatorial manner.


[More at source]

Also see:Bill Gates Faced Trial in India for Illegally Testing Tribal Children with Vaccines (Oct. 2014)
