Sweet Deceit

sweet deceit

ar·ti·fi·cial - ärdəˈfiSH(ə)l - adjective  1. made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.

The above definition is from Google’s English dictionary provided by Oxford Languages. Of course, as hell-bent fallen man denies God the Creator, the phrase “occurring naturally” is used. More precisely and appropriately, artificial denotes man made, not God made, especially as a copy of something God made.

“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” -John 1:3

Mass marketers of these "artificial sweetener" products tout them as being calorie-free and therefore desirable to provide sweet taste without the metabolic impact of natural sugar. This is presented as a wonderful solution, especially for diabetics, to - it is claimed - enjoy sweet taste without the glycemic, calorie-laden effects of real sugar.

It's biologically inert, they claim, and is calorie-free since it cannot be absorbed by the body... aye there's the rub!... for what happens to artificial substances when ingested and cannot be absorbed?... they must be eliminated as unusable by the body... there's the respect that must give us pause...at what volume does a substance that is unusable by the body accumulate to become toxic?

Moderation, they say... there have been no trial studies proving any ill effects (except in rats), so you're safe to take the chance that your body can successfully eliminate the onslaught of non-absorbable residue building up in the walls of your intestines...

Meanwhile consumption of these artificial products increases your desire for sweetness. Sucralose, for example is reportedly 600 times sweeter than regular sugar (which may be why they have to cut it with dextrose and maltodextrin); and your sensitivity to the natural sweetness of fruit, for example, becomes corrupted as you crave more and more of those (calorie-free!) packets to satisfy your "sweet tooth".

Get the full intel on what these fake sugars do to your body, brain and gut here.


Deception goes deep into every area of our lives, and includes the illusion of competitiveness between products supposedly contending for market share. See this powerful documentary on the control being exerted over the products we consume and on everything we do: Monopoly - Who Owns the World?

Gorphilus Corpus