Noam Chomsky may be an intellectual superstar but being spiritually bankrupt, his apprehension is necessarily corrupt.
As it is written, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (Proverbs 9:10).
Even so, the third paragraph in the below profile from Conservapedia exemplifies the contention and stridency in the worldview posturing Chomsky brings out in his critics (implying that being very critical of American and Israeli foreign policy, and sympathizing with Palestinians, equates with supporting terrorism).
-Gorphilus DeJesus

Born December 7, 1928, Noam Chomsky is an American linguist who was a pioneer in generative grammar. Later he became an extreme left-wing propagandist and genocide denier. He advocates holding America to an absolute standard of ethics in foreign relations, but has not held such a standard elsewhere. He tends to ignore such violations by other countries, even when they have been far worse. Fellow liberal academic, Arthur Schlesinger, once referred to Chomsky as "an intellectual crook."

He is an institute professor of linguistics (Emeritus) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the author of dozens of books on U.S. foreign policy. He writes a monthly column for The New York Times News Service/Syndicate. His professed discoveries in linguistics that form the basis of his intellectual authority are treated as the springboard to the credibility of his political analysis but, perhaps surprisingly because of their wide renown, have not held up to close intellectual scrutiny.

Chomsky is very critical of American and Israeli foreign policy, sympathizes with Palestinians and has shown support for the terrorist organization Hezbollah. He has also been criticized for anti-Semitism. It should be noted that Chomsky comes from a Jewish family and in the past has spoken and written in Hebrew, but it is possible to argue that he is a self hater.

True to his totalitarian convictions at the age of 92, Chomsky advocated covid gulags for the unvaccinated. Chomsky is an atheist.


For more on the enigmatic and controversial Noam Chomsky see these profiles:

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