
* Israelolatry

n. The veneration of the illegal terrorist nation-state of Zionist Israel notwithstanding its foreign occupation of stolen land in Palestine where it displaces, imprisons, tortures and mass murders the indigenous population.

Israelolaters consider the "Jews" of modern Israel (no relation to the Old Testament tribe of Judah or Judeans of the New Testament) to be heirs of the Abrahamic covenant even as they reject the quintessential seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ, who is blessed forever, amen.

Israelolatry necessarily disregards the 1st century coming of the Messiah to establish the new covenant in fulfillment of the types, promises and prophecies written beforehand for our instruction, particularly Daniel 9:24-27, which they twist to their own destruction. See this.

Minds are being freed: Red Pill Videos for the Scourge of Zionism
