The Scientific Findings on Global Warming
1. There has been no global warming.
Breaking the hydrocarbon bond in the burning of fossil fuels to release heat energy
has created the highest standard of living for man in the history of the world.
2. Scientific Research Proves that…
CO2 is not our enemy; it is essential for life on Earth. It powers photosynthesis in
all living plant matter, which provides oxygen for man and the rest of the animal
kingdom to breathe and agriculture around the globe to feed a growing population.
It is time to stop the war on the carbon atom and the hydrocarbon bond.
3. The man-made global warming hypothesis is the biggest scientific fraud in history.
Science has been sacrificed on the altar of political opportunism
to promote a fraudulent hypothesis for political and financial gain.
"The question is not whether global warming has occurred; the data and scientific analysis prove otherwise. The question is, 'why do the UN IPCC and certain US and world politicians continue to promote the man-made global warming hypothesis when the science and data prove it to be false?' The legal definition of fraud is intent to deceive." -Guy K. Mitchell, Jr.
Guy K. Mitchell, Jr. is the author of “Global Warming: The Great Deception..." - see more at source]
Also see: Climate Fraud