Demonic Democrats

Demonic Democrats

The Democrats are the Party of Elder Abuse … and Child Castration … and … Demons?

By John Zmirak | June 16 2020

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph. 6:12)

Given its full-on embrace of child castration, abortion through birth, gun confiscation, forced vaccination, $10 per gallon gas, massive vote fraud, and FBI harassment of parents who question Marxism in schools taught by illegal immigrant drag queens … I think it’s only fair to ask a spiritual question:

Is the Democratic Party, and the left which has captured it, from the tip of its darting tongue to the rattle that ends its tail, even a human institution anymore? That is, are people still running it?

We know that in a human sense, the Democrats jumped the shark in 2016. But have the left and the docile political organ they control … crossed the line into the preternatural realm? Should we think of the Democrats as the proverbial lemmings who drown themselves? Or are we dealing instead with a herd of thundering Gadarene swine, dragging us down their slippery slope to perish in the sea?

What drives me to ask such a question? In part, the sheer aggressive stupidity and dishonesty we’re encountering on the left, on a long range of issues. We see figures in the media who denounced Donald Trump as a “traitor” for “colluding” with Russia. Who backed his impeachment over it. When presented with proof that this was always a conscious lie, concocted by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, they don’t blink an eye. Even if they’re professional journalists, who’d normally be mortified if they mispronounced the name of a city in Nicaragua.

The same with the Hunter Biden laptop, which they waved off as Russian disinformation. They’re not troubled to learn that it was 100% authentic. Or that the laptop ties the Bidens to China in ways nobody even alleged Trump was tied to Russia.

Lies from the Father of Lies

These “reporters” just move on from one lie to the next, and issue dishonest “fact-checks” with machine-like efficiency. The same on issue after issue, the same contempt for truth, the same astonishing lack of curiosity or decency. Such shamelessness and gall don’t seem entirely … human.

The news story that inspired me to preternatural thoughts? It was Joe “President” Biden’s recent proclamation of an awareness day for “Elder Abuse.” Of course that’s an issue all Americans ought to agree on. And no, I don’t want to crack jokes here about Biden’s senile incapacity to actually serve as our president.

Governors Who Murdered Seniors by the Thousands

Instead, I’d like to remind you of the Blue State Nursing Home Genocide of 2020. As I was one of the first to report, and right here at The Stream: The governors of the largest Democrat-controlled states all dumped COVID patients into nursing homes, even when plenty of hospital beds were going empty. They willingly subjected the most vulnerable Americans to the same disease that led them to close all our schools and churches. They did all this after Joe Biden appointed as his chief COVID advisor bioethicist Ezekiel Emmanuel, who argues that nobody should live past age 75. That patients above that age shouldn’t even get life-saving medicine.

Uncounted thousands of retired taxpayers, veterans, grandparents in New York, California, Michigan, and other states … locked in, away from their families. Forgotten behind plastic sheeting. Handled with latex gloves by masked professionals only. Denied visits from clergy, and thus prayers and sacraments, or even hands to hold. Deprived of Christian burial, cremated with medical waste like abandoned pets at kill shelters, and dumped into anonymous mass graves.

That’s what the Democrats did to seniors in 2020, handily spiking the death stats to justify ongoing lockdowns, emergency powers, and the mail-in ballots needed to steal the presidential election. And no governor has had to answer for any of this.

To my dying day, I’ll be haunted by what we allowed in America in 2020. I’ll wonder if I could have done more. And I’m staggered by this level of evil. It seems more than human.

Hostage to the Devil

Those who imitate Jesus by driving out evil spirits — that is, professional exorcists — have grim experience of dealing with vastly intelligent, malevolent principalities and powers. Such spiritual warriors have had to wade in, fighting, to the complex, horrible world inhabited by people who’ve turned over their will to forces of evil. One of the best books on the subject is by former Jesuit Malachi Martin, entitled Hostage to the Devil. In it, he offers deep theological insight along with several thinly fictionalized accounts of possession and exorcism.

There are two forms of possession, he writes. The kind that gets depicted in movies like The Exorcist is called “imperfect” possession, because the human soul is not entirely willing, might even be desperate for deliverance. These cases of possession are actually the less serious ones. They represent people who dabbled in the occult, engaged in witchcraft, or otherwise “opened” themselves to a partial, hostile takeover by alien spirits. There is great hope for them, as there was for the people whom Jesus delivered from similar spirits in the Gospels.

Satan as Life Coach, Mentor, and Friend

Things can get much worse, though. Martin describes another, much more horrifying spiritual condition. It’s called “perfect possession.” In it, the person shows few outward signs of distress, or none at all. He is not fighting against the condition anymore, if he ever did. He has conformed his will so perfectly to the spirits he once invited in, that there’s no conflict, no fuss. In psychiatric language we’d call such possession “ego syntonic.” A self-help guru might say that such a person has “fully accepted himself.”

Pope Pius XII believed that Adolf Hitler was perfectly possessed, and that it explained his almost hypnotic power to persuade and inspire crowds. Despite his lower-class accent, lack of education, histrionic performances and wild leaps of logic, Hitler was able to sway aristocrats and intellectuals, as well as disgruntled workers. The pope told the U.S. Ambassador Joseph Kennedy to warn President Roosevelt against making any kind of deal with such a leader.

My Brush with the Demonic

I experienced a small taste of the same in Louisiana in the 1990s. At the time, David Duke was running for governor of the state, and seemed likely to win. He said he’d renounced the neo-Nazi posturing of his youth, and branded himself as a populist conservative. Several of my friends got taken in by him, especially after hearing him give speeches.

So I went to his talk at the LSU Student Union. I sat with the undergrad students and we were spellbound. I’ve never seen a public speaker as powerful and persuasive. He seemed reasonable, fair, unjustly persecuted, patriotic and charming. He had a ready answer to every charge people offered. When liberal students tried to shout him down, they made him seem like the victim — and he endured their abuse with patience and even humor. I could feel invisible tendrils reaching into my mind from this man on the podium, some Power that craved my consent.

Fortunately, I’d prepared before attending the event. I had done research, and learned that Duke’s rebranding as a mainstream patriot was the rankest hypocrisy. He was selling from his office at the Louisiana Capitol the book The Turner Diaries — a vicious call to race war and the ethnic cleansing of America. (The same book would later inspire Timothy McVeigh to bomb Oklahoma City.) I’d forced myself to read it.

Because I had, I was able to discern that in Duke’s talk, I wasn’t responding to skillful rhetoric. I was getting seduced by evil spirits. That week I published a column endorsing Duke’s tepidly pro-life, completely corrupt Democrat opponent.

Don’t Debate People’s Demons

I rarely feel the same serpentine, icy energy I encountered at the Duke event. But I have, whenever I’ve encountered really hard-core anti-Semites, and also when I’ve picketed abortion clinics. The spirits that hate the Holy Family hate all families.

The same spirits swarm us today, clogging our public square and filling up the Internet. Increasingly, when I encounter block-headed irrationality and shameless mendacity among the highly educated and powerful, I feel like I’m once again listening to David Duke.

Keep the spiritual realm in mind as you navigate our new reality. Remember that sometimes you aren’t even arguing with the mind of a person who’s mistaken; you’re bickering pointlessly with the demons whom he serves. And exorcists know better than to do that.

Sometimes you’re better off just dropping the argument and praying for protection.



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Are the Democrats Ruled Now by Demons? The 10-Year-Old Rape Victim’s Story Might Prove It

By John Zmirak | July 20 2020

We’re called to love our enemies. To pray for those who persecute us. That means we’re to wish their salvation, their conversion from error and evil.

A special challenge arises when such an enemy is to all appearances possessed by spirits we’re not called to love, whose salvation is impossible. We don’t want to mistakenly direct love and kindness to the principality or power that’s tormenting some damaged soul.

I’ve already made the case here that the Democrat party has morphed from a fallen organization addicted to errors into something much, much darker: an association of evil, which treasures active evil in its core principles and practice. From the Blue State Nursing Home COVID Genocide and abortion through all nine months, to the full-on embrace of sexualizing children and castrating them, there isn’t much room left for nuance.


The Reign of Demonic Regimes

Whole countries have fallen into the hands of such organizations before. In 1939, two such evil regimes allied and invaded Poland, then fell out in 1941 and fought each other savagely till 1945. Vast nations such as China, and unhappy little places like Cambodia and Rwanda, have fallen prey to possessed regimes. So have smaller communities, such as Jim Jones’ tragic socialist commune in Guyana. And now it has happened to the Democrats.

What If the Possessed Person Is Happy?

The challenge to love correctly becomes almost insurmountable when the enemy in question isn’t just possessed, but perfectly so. “Perfect” possession is the term experienced exorcists use to describe a soul that isn’t even unhappy about its condition. It has conformed itself to the Enemy, even welcomed him in. So there’s no spewing vomit, rolling eyes, or thrashing about on the bed.

Instead you face a smiling, perhaps even charming sociopath. If you brought up his condition, he’d just shake his head and mutter something about your “religious fanaticism.” Pope Pius XII diagnosed Adolf Hitler as perfectly possessed. Based on my brushes with him, I think white supremacist David Duke was too. But I’m no expert on this, thankfully.

The Democrats Demand Prayer and Fasting

Today I became convinced that the Democrat party has crossed the threshold, the point of no human return. That the organization now deserves to be classed with the Nazis, the Bolsheviks, the Mafia, Mexican drug cartels, and the circle of pervert occultists who shaped Margaret Sanger’s soul. The party doesn’t merit argument, but calls for prayer and fasting … from a distance.

Abortion, Rape, and the Law

What convinced me? A news story I read. Before I plunge into the sordid, infuriating details, however, let me lay out a moral problem, and several potential solutions. I’m speaking of the legal conundrum presented by rape exceptions to abortion laws. Most pro-lifers admit that this is tough one, and our political advocates are all too quick to cave. There are four positions, logically, one could take:

  1. All abortions should be legal. Women have absolute bodily autonomy, except where it comes to vaccines, illegal drugs, prostitution, or working for less than the minimum wage.
  2. Broad “rape and incest” exceptions ought to exist in otherwise protective abortion laws. A woman just has to claim it, and we’ll believe her. Because that’s good politics.
  3. Narrow rape and statutory rape exceptions need to be granted, very early in pregnancy — requiring those who claim to be victims to make full reports to police, to minimize abuse of this loophole.
  4. No exceptions ought to be made for any reason, apart from immediate mortal danger to the mother’s life.

Virtually all Democrats in public office or authority hold 1). A good number of Republicans hold 2), and would gladly pass laws with loopholes so big you could drive a medical waste truck through them. I think the only morally acceptable options are 3) and 4), and that political reality will dictate which one we choose.

The Democrats have chosen, with infernal cynicism, to pretend that the only alternatives are 1) and 4). They gladly weaponize rare, tragic cases of monstrous abuse of women resulting in pregnancy to keep intact a status quo where almost 1,000,000 American babies die each year … for sexual convenience (if not of the women, then of their men). They use the victims of human trafficking and parental abuse as human shields, so they can cling to the ethics of the Marquis de Sade.

The 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Democrats Exploited

And nothing makes that clearer than the case of the 10-year-old rape victim whom Joe Biden decided to use. We must steel ourselves and look at this story in granular detail to understand how evil the Democrats really are, and wish to remain. From that unhappy exercise, we’ll learn exactly how wicked and inhuman the pro-choice movement really is.

First we learned from Joe Biden that a young girl had been raped, and couldn’t get an abortion because of pro-life laws in her state. Next we found out that in fact the state in question permitted such abortions. After that we discovered that the rapist was an illegal alien, one of millions Biden waved freely into our country. Then we learned that the abortionist had lied about the rapist’s age, so she wouldn’t have to file a police report.

Then things got worse. We found out next that the victim’s mother didn’t want the rapist prosecuted. At first, I imagined that might be because he was in a cartel, and she feared retribution. But nope. The rapist is her boyfriend, and she wants to keep him. So she’s willing to pimp out her daughter, and kill her grandchild, to keep rapist boyfriend happy — and in America, since he could be subject to deportation.

For all the squalid, degrading and (yes) demonic details, go read Mia Cathell’s carefully reported story at Townhall. It even includes a picture of the happy, evil couple.

The Democrats Cover Up for Rape with Murder

The Democrats want laws (Option 1) that make it possible for these two adults to get away with everything. To keep custody of the rape victim, in the home where she’s being abused. (The quiet abortion and compliant abortionist kept Social Services blind to the situation.) Just shove the kid into the car, willing or not, drag her into the clinic, and scrape her clean. Everybody’s happy, right?

Lame, lax pro-life laws (Option 2) would have the same effect. No help for the visible victim, and death for her unborn child. Indeed, the only reason Gerson Fuentes is being arraigned for rape is the press coverage Joe Biden unwittingly directed toward the story. The victim’s mother ought to face child exploitation and endangerment charges, and lose all parental rights.

Only protective, pro-life laws such as Option 3 or 4 would demand might offer some protection to the victims here. Those are the only kind of laws that decent human beings, who weren’t possessed by demons or willfully blind to them, should ever support.


Also see: Democrats, the Media, and the Big Lie

And for the record: Republicans are Repugnant

Additional recommended reading: Brotherhood of Darkness by Stanley Monteith
