This blog journals resolutions to computer problems, and/or improvements in best practices, arrived at by trial-and-error in the school of hard knocks.
...the dreaded BSOD, which alas does not lend itself to being addressed via remote support... this link provides info that may be helpful to you all as this digital affliction seems to strike inevitably at some point in the life of a PC: Everything You Need to Know About the Blue Screen of Death ( I've found the simplest thing to do is unplug external devices one-at-a-time before restart which is an extended trial & error process. Sometimes in my past experience that has identified the cause and been solved by updating the driver of the offending device, or by uninstalling a rogue app which may have precipitated the blue screens... btw my experience is definitely past... apparently, now the BSOD displays a bar code that can be scanned with your phone for more information, wow. 90% of the time my battling with the BSOD has been reduced to a hope for data backup which can be transferred to a reformatted or new pc ... even having developed a battery of quick solutions to many common computer problems, I never did find a magic wand for the BSOD.
Undo: CTRL+Z
Redo: CTRL+Y (to reverse your last Undo, press CTRL+Y); you can reverse more than one action that has been undone.
You can use Redo command only after Undo command.
Below are the shortcuts for inserting a check mark or an 'x' symbol in cells in Excel.
To use the below shortcuts, you need to change the font to Wingdings 2.
Keyboard codes for vowel accent marks:
The 8.5" x 11" paper size is the equivalent of 816 x 1056 pixels.
Convert Pixels to Inches, or vice versa, here.
This site was founded by compugor, who remains steadfastly on a quest to assimilate information towards an increased understanding of and proficiency with the management and support of computer systems & applications, all for the glory of God.