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The Importance of Six-Day Creation
by R.J. Rushdoony

The Objectivity of Biblical History
by P. Andrew Sandlin

Evolutionary Faith
by Mark R. Rushdoony

Wimps, Gimps and Blackguards: Creation, Presuppositions, and Treason
by Brian M. Abshire

The Meaning of “Day” in Genesis 1-2
by William O. Einwechter

The War Against Genesis 1
by Mark A. Ludwig, Ph.D.

Creating a Controversy
by Byron Snapp

A Declaration
by Larry E. Ball

One Man’s Journey to a Proper Understanding of Origins
by Daniel Lance Herrick

Reformed Theology and Six-Day Creation
by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. Th.D.

A Critique of the Framework Hypothesis
by Frank Houston Walker, Jr.

Literal, Six-Day Creation and the Local Church
by Charles A. McIlhenny


Also see: 6 Days Are 6 Days: GPTS Faculty Statement on Creation

And: Seven Reasons Why We Should Not Accept Millions of Years